The Sunday before I moved to Auburn, my youth minister from back home pulled me aside. He told me that I am loved, that he is proud of me, and then he made me promise to find a church home as soon possible. So I took his words straight to heart and went on the search for a church family the first weekend that I was here. I was so ready to find a place to call home. There is nothing like finding a place to worship with other believers. Plugging into a church has been such a blessing for me and I have felt an abundance of joy come back into my life.
After a few weeks of classes under my belt and a few hundred dollars spent on books that I barely even read, I finally felt like a college freshman. I knew the campus like the back of my hand and had most likely gained a few pounds by then. Going back to the "there is no healthy eating on campus" point. Weight gain came quickly and I even found myself praying for a faster metabolism.
I know, that is a weird thing to pray about, but I guarantee you that I am not the first college student to pray about that.
I also continued to ask God to lead Christ seeking friends into my life. I asked Him for girls who would hold me accountable in my day to day life, who would pray with me in the hard times and praise with me in the good times, and who would love me and all of my weird qualities including my abnormally small hands and freaky long tongue. I asked him for friends, and he provided me with sisters. I joined Sigma Phi Lamba, a Christian Sorority at Auburn, as well as many other Universities around the United States. The girls that I have had the pleasure of getting to know are the the perfect examples of Proverbs 31 women and I am honored to be associated with them. The Lord has absolutely been faithful, and I am so very thankful for that.
Patience is hard. As human beings, we want what we want when we want it and if you're anything like me, you want what you want immediately. I bought a pair of boots off of the internet the other day and I was impatient just waiting for my package to get in 3 days later. I mean how stupid is that considering that it's still eighty degrees outside? It is hard waiting and it is especially not fun. For the first few weeks I was stuck in my own pitifulness and It caused me to be upset because I was not patient. God was telling me the whole time, "Morgan, have patience even in your time of doubt, because I am about to bless you abundantly."
He is so good to fulfill his promises, His timing is perfect, and we are never alone because His hand is always holding us. He never lets go. Never.
So why am I writing this? No, it is not to bore you or distract you from all the weird Facebook articles. This is for the girl out there at college who feels like she is alone and is hurt because of it. My prayer for you is that you know that the Lord blesses those who wait. So even though you feel like you have been waiting forever, stand up tall and know that God is good. HE loves you so much. You are beautiful in every way. As you wait on whatever it is that you have been asking for, remember that His purpose is so much greater than our pain. Life may drag us down sometimes, but know this, God is good all the time and all the time God is good.
Love you, Mo. You are a treasure.
ReplyDeleteI am old enough to be your grandmother (in fact, I am in your grandparents' Sunday School class), but I have felt some of the same feelings you are experiencing now. My husband has been fighting Melanoma for four years, and it has been the roughest journey of my life. I know about the isolation you feel and feeling as if you are out of the loop because you and your family have been totally consumed with a life and death struggle which is infinitely more important that the trivial aspects of life which probably consume most of your friends and acquaintances so I know what you mean when you say you almost feel sorry for them that they have not experienced such hardships because they really have no idea to value the importance of each day b/c they have not known the horror of the devastating effects of cancer on the entire family. Sometimes, I actually believe friends are afraid of being too close to the fear and depression too long, They are too wrapped up in their own day to day lives to be involved on a long term basis. They simply do not understand that we would like for our lives to be normal again and that we need them. I believe this has to be so much harder on you because you are in the years that should be the best time of your life, but you have been in the valley of the shadow of death for so long that it must be terribly hard to readjust. Please don't feel that you are alone. Even much older family family members who have been caretakers for several years feel the same. I wish there were a support group for siblings of cancer victims. I could have not made it through the last four years of my husband's cancer journey without the blog to share my thoughts and vent on other occasions. Maybe that might be an opportunity for you to create a page for siblings of cancer victims b/c your experience is definitely more important than any experience that most of your friends will ever know. I hope your courage in sharing your heart will make them more aware of your needs and a way they can minister to you. God bless you and keep you. Love, Sandra McMahan